We did try GenJet on our primary cultured atrial myocytes from rats. Although we did not perform side-by-side comparison with L2K and Fugene 6, I did notice a higher transfection efficiency from GenJet. However, out a population of about 2-4 million cells in a 12-well format, GenJet only transfected about 1-3 cells, still too few to suit our need. Myocytes
have been notoriously known to be resistant to transfection; and your product has performed better than L2K and Fugene 6 (no transfection at all under the same condition).
As a result, we won't be using GenJet for our current application. When we return to cell lines in the future, we will definitely give GenJet a try. And from its performance with myocytes, GenJet seems like a top choice to us.