Price: $468.00

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  • Catalog #: SL100359
  • Unit Size: 2 x 25 µL (>10^9 TU/mL)

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Pre-made recombinant lentivirus; LV-Syn-FLPo; LV-Synapsin-FLPo; Syn-FLPo Lentivirus; Synapsin-FLPo Lentivirus

Product Category: Pre-made recombinant lentivirus; LV-Syn-FLPo; LV-Synapsin-FLPo; Syn-FLPo Lentivirus; Synapsin-FLPo Lentivirus

Description: FLP originally identified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a site-specific recombinases (SSR) from the λ integrase family and recognizes distinct 34 bp FRT sequence. It has been widely used for generating conditional knockout mice, mediated by FLP/FRT system. Initial use of FLP in mammalian cells revealed inefficient recombinase activity due to thermo-instability of the FLP protein. Subsequent screening for thermo-stable mutants resulted in the identification of FLPe which was 4-fold increase in recombination efficiency at 37 °C. However the recombination efficiency of FLPe in cells remains very low because of its non-mammalian origin. 

FLPo is a mouse codon optimized FLPe that greatly increases the FRT recombination efficiency for both in vivo and in vitro in mouse. 
The LV-Syn-FLPo is a pre-made lentivirus which over-expresses the FLPo recombinase under the human Synapsin promoter which directs the FLPo expression primarily in neurons. Ready to use format.

Titer: > 1x10TU/mL

Selection Antibiotic: None

Purity*: In vivo grade and OK for both in vitro tissue culture infection and in vivo injection

Size: 2 x 25 µL (Std Pack)

Storage Buffer: PBS

Infection Protocol: 

Transfer Vector Map:
Pre-made recombinant lentivirus; LV-Syn-FLPo; LV-Synapsin-FLPo; Syn-FLPo Lentivirus; Synapsin-FLPo Lentivirus

* Concentrated via PEG precipitation followed by ultra-centrifugation at 28000 rpm