Yes, a Kozak sequence is essential for efficient translation and transgene expression in lentiviruses:
- What it does: The Kozak sequence is a sequence of nucleotides that increases the likelihood of a ribosome recognizing the start of translation at the AUG start codon. This improves the efficiency of translation and the overall expression of the gene product.
- What it looks like: The consensus Kozak sequence is ACCAUGG, where AUG is the initiation codon. For optimal expression, the full consensus sequence is recommended: (GCC)GCC A/G CC ATG G.
- Why it’s important The Kozak sequence is a key part of protein regulation and cellular health. It also has implications for human disease.
- What can happen without it: An incorrect initiation site can lead to the expression of non-functional proteins.
In addition to the Kozak sequence, a woodchuck post-transcriptional regulatory element (WPRE) can also be added to the 3′ end of the transgene to increase transgene expression.