Pre-made Adenovirus,Ad-CMV-TurboGFP from SignaGen
Product Category: Human Adenovirus Type5 (dE1/E3); Ad-CMV-TurboGFP
This recombinant human adenovirus type 5 expresses TurboGFP under CMV
promoter. TurboGFP is an improved
variant of the green fluorescent protein CopGFP cloned from copepod Pontellina
plumata (Arthropoda; Crustacea; Maxillopoda; Copepoda). It possesses bright
green fluorescence (excitation/ emission max = 482/ 502 nm) that is visible
earlier than fluorescence of other green fluorescent proteins.
Titer: 1x1010 ~ 1x1011 PFU/mL
Storage Buffer: DMEM with 2% BSA & 2.5% Glycerol
User Manual:

Shuttle Vector Map: