
Price: $468.00

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  • Catalog #: SL100349
  • Unit Size: 2 x 25 µL (>10^9 TU/mL)

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Pre-made recombinant lentivirus; LV-EF1a-Mito-DsRed-IRES-Puro; LV-EF1a-Mito-DsRed-Puro

Product Category: Pre-made recombinant lentivirus; LV-EF1a-Mito-DsRed-IRES-Puro; LV-EF1a-Mito-DsRed-Puro

Description: LV-EF1a-Mito-DsRed-IRES-Puro is a pre-made lentivirus which expresses Mito-EDsRed under the EF1a promoter wth the co-expression of the Puro resistance marker via the IRES element. The mitochondrial targeting sequence from subunit VIII of human cytochrome C oxidase (Mito) is fused with EDsRed. The Mito sequence is fused to the 5'-end of EDsRed, The Mito sequence targets the Mito-EDsRed fusion protein to the host cell’s mitochondria.

Titer: > 1x10TU/mL

Selection Antibiotic: Puromycin

Purity*: In vivo grade and OK for both in vitro tissue culture infection and in vivo injection

Size: 2 x 25 µL (Std Pack)

Storage Buffer: PBS

Infection Protocol: 

Transfer Vector Map:
Pre-made recombinant lentivirus; LV-EF1a-Mito-DsRed-IRES-Puro; LV-EF1a-Mito-DsRed-Puro

* Concentrated via PEG precipitation followed by ultra-centrifugation at 25000 rpm