Channelrhodopsins can be readily expressed in excitable cells such as neurons using a variety of transfection techniques (viral transfection, electroporation, gene gun). The light-absorbing pigment retinal is present in most […]
Discovery of Channelrhodopsin
Motility and photoorientation of microalgae have been studied over more than hundred years in many laboratories worldwide. In 1980, Ken Foster developed the first consistent theory about the functionality of […]
shRNA Database from Broad Institute
Predesigned/Validated siRNA
Instructions: Please select a siRNA database from the pull down menu. At present we offer control duplexes and pre-designed siRNAs for over 17,000 reviewed genes based on the NCBI Refseq […]
miRBase: the microRNA database
miRBase provides the following services: The miRBase database is a searchable database of published miRNA sequences and annotation. Each entry in the miRBase Sequence database represents a predicted hairpin portion […]
How to locate promoter sequence for a specific gene
Many people have problem identifying or predicting the promoter sequence of a gene, or don’t know how to get the actual sequence for analysis such as primer design, transcription factor […]
List of Protein Tags
Peptide tags AviTag, a peptide allowing biotinylation by the enzyme BirA and so the protein can be isolated by streptavidin (GLNDIFEAQKIEWHE) Calmodulin-tag, a peptide bound by the protein calmodulin (KRRWKKNFIAVSAANRFKKISSSGAL) […]
Alternatives to Fetal Bovine Serum in Cell Culture media, Challenges and Perspectives
Dr. Gerhard Gstraunthaler recently presented a seminar with the above title. Gerhard carries a faculty appointment with the Department of Physiology at Innsbruck Medical University, Austria. Gerhard is an advocate of serum-free […]
Role of Serum in Cell Culture Media
Serum provides > growth factors and hormones > binding and transport proteins > attachment and spreading factors > additional amino acids, vitamins and trace elements > fatty acids and lipids > […]