All posts by signagen - 31. page
Comparative Analysis of Cesium Chloride- and Iodixanol-Based Purification of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors for Preclinical Applications.
Cesium chloride (CsCl)- and iodixanol-based density gradients represent the core step in most protocols for serotype-independent adeno-associated virus (AAV) purification established to date. However, despite controversial reports about the purity […]
1st, 2nd Generations vs. Gutless Adenovirus Systems
Map of adenovirus serotype 5 genome and different generations of adenoviral vectors. Early transcripts are represented by E1–E4 regions and late transcripts are represented by L1–L5 regions. MLP: major late […]
Make a protein expression predominantly in membrane
A Kozak consensus sequence (CCAACCATGG) and Src myristoylation sequence (MGSSKSKPKDPSQR) are added to the N-terminal of ORF of specific gene.
Efficient transduction and optogenetic stimulation of retinal bipolar cells by a synthetic adeno‐associated virus capsid and promoter
Analysis of transduction properties of AAV2/8BP2 virus A, B Representative 20× confocal images of immunostained vibratome sections from retinas of mice subretinally injected (A) or intravitreally injected (B) with viruses. […]
ssAAV vs. scAAV
For ssAAV vectors, the coding sequence and complementary sequence of the transgene expression cassette are on separate strands and are packaged in separate viral capsids. For scAAV vectors, both the […]
rAAV in Serotype shh10 Transduces Rat Retina Müller Cells
rShH10 expression following intravitreal injection in the adult rat retina. Confocal imaging of immunostained transverse retinal sections 3 weeks post-injection of 2.5×1010 viral particles (vector genomes) of dsCAG-GFP vectors with […]
DNA Shuffling of Adeno-associated Virus Yields Functionally Diverse Viral Progeny
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors are extremely effective gene-delivery vehicles for a broad range of applications. However, the therapeutic efficacy of these and other vectors is currently limited by barriers to […]
Universal Primers
Standard primer name Sequence (5′->3′) Number of bases 1629DWN CTG TAA ATC AAC AAC GCA CAG 21 3AOX1 <GCA AAT GGC ATT CTG ACA TCC 21 5AOX1 < GAC TGG […]